Friday, December 27, 2013

The Sam Adams Odyssey P1, Blackberry Witbier

The Sam Adams Odyssey P1

ahhhhhh good old Sam Adams. Its where most people got started in drinking good beer. Its the largest craft brewery in the world, and the most widely distributed craft beer as well (its hard to find a place that doesn't sell their iconic Boston Lager). However, the question arises: is their beer ACTUALLY good? Can it stand up to scrutiny of a seasons craft beer drinker?

Most say no. Most say that they are now a very boring brewery: unable to properly coax the seasoned beer drinker into buying either their staple 6 pack beers or their seasonal 4 pack or bomber beers. However, it cannot be overlooked that their is a real bias against the Boston Brewing company. They are, after all, the largest craft brewery. Their brewing volume and use of tv advertisements (Boston brewing co is in fact, one of the only craft breweries that relies on traditional advertisements like tv or billboards) have caused many the beer aficionado to shun them in favor of “local” and smaller breweries which they see as being the producer of the better beer.

Is this criticism correct, or does Sam Adams have some real winners out their that people are just ignoring just because of their own biases? Well that's the questions that I hope to answer, one beer at a time. I will look at trying ALL the beers from Sam Adams (or at least the ones I can find and afford), and giving a honest and good-natured review to all of them.

I will be focusing on both their bomber\4packs series and larger 6 packs. Hopefully this will eventually paint the breweries overall skill into focus and show once and for all whether or not Sam has what it takes for me to call them a real “craft” brewery, not in terms of what the BA paints it as, but merely as the producer of good beer.

Ill be starting with this brew I picked up with my new years beer (of which I might do a spotlight on as well), Sam Adams Blackberry Witbier.............picked up for the usual 1.99 a bottle from the Proof bottle shop

consumed at breakfast with two toasted waffles covered with peanut butter. Because, why not!

Da Review, Beer-Advocate style:
Blackberry Witbier

Appearance: strikingly clear, looking more like a cider or campaign than a witbier. Really, only the most style-driven lovers of wits will have a problem with this (tho YES, I gotja...wit bier means white beer and this isn't the cloudy white that it should be) but still, as opposed to grading it on style, it looks very nice if you grade it merely as a blackberry beer.
Ill compromise and give it a 3.5 for appearance.


mell: This beer smells wonderful. It has a sour blackberry smell, mixed in with the character of the beer. Id say that it comes out smelling like a blackberry scone or another type of fruit pastry. not too shabby!

aste: see what I like about this one, is how subdued it is. The blackberry flavor never takes up too much power from the beer, and it never gets to be too powerful to be cloying. Too many fruit beers do that and I find it in bad taste. However, this brew has some problems. It does not have enough wit flavors in it....and what little it has will not satisfy wit diehards (it has just a slight touch of soft bready wheat character). but for what it is as a fruit beer, I've it a 3.75 on taste.

outhfeel: Relatively middle ground in body final gravity, with a great heavy dose of carbonation. easy drinking.

verall: Ill be honest, I liked this one, against all expectation. I'm not a big fan of wits OR fruit beer. mixing them together? odds are that if it was not for my blog, I would never had had this one. but I like it. if you treat it as a blackberry beer, its pretty good. I like it. overall, Id give it a 3.5\5

That totals out to a 3.86\5 on BA......but I feel that's its closer to about a 80\100 overall.

if it had just a BIT more un-malted what (and maybe some more oats) I would give it more.
its good, and great for the uninitiated in beer, especially if they like blackberry's.
Unexpectedly good. Not recommended for lovers of the classic wit will not find any classic witness here.

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