This little gem was found at beerstop, and my god, is it a good cider. Of course, its title can be misleading. This beer has no bitterness whatsoever. Of course, anyone with any brewing knowledge would know this, since dry hopping adds absolutely NO bitterness to a brew.
Bitterness can only occur when hops are boiled in a process of isomerization, where the alfa and beta acids of hops become soluble to the liquid as a result of the heat. However, the boiling process vaporizes the sensitive hop oils and resins present on the hops, which is why late additions and dry hopping is used to enhance beer aroma and hop flavor.
This liquid is unique because it is a cider that has the aroma of a well hopped beer. I found it to be both a fantastic deal and a fantastic bottle of cider.
I honestly did not believe the price. 3 bucks a 22 oz bottle? Really? I had to ask the clerk to be sure. And had to buy a bottle when I left after looking around and adding some new material for the next beerstop brewlist update.
This cider does quite a lot. It finds a good balance between being too dry and being too sweet, coming off with a champagne like mouth-feel, but with a much sweeter taste (yet not approaching what i would call apple juice sweetness). The hop aromas also make for a very unique experience.
I suggest that you pick it up for new years, especially if your not a big fan of beer but are curious to seeing the positive effects of hop aroma and flavor.
ratebeer (84\100)
92\100. and for 3 bucks, their is no excuse.
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